
About the Connor Project

Our family was shattered and Forever Changed when our bright and vibrant 19 year-old son Connor Reid Eckhardt died after just ONE HIT of “Spice.”  We were not aware of this drug prior to our son’s death, but since then have come to understand the pervasive and devastating impacts of this readily available, toxic synthetic drug, and countless more like it, in the U.S. and in every corner of world.

We have heard from families around the world who have also seen loved ones injured or killed by synthetic drugs like “Spice,” “Marley,” “K2,” and “Cloud 9,” to name just a few, and we knew it was time we work together to stop to use of these deadly drugs.

It is our goal to help raise awareness of the dangers of synthetic drugs, to effect policy change to help prevent access to these drugs, and to help ensure other families do not lose a loved one to deadly drugs like “Spice.”

We invite you to join us in this mission.

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